Remote isolation of the gas supply to a domestic building

Cadent Gas is looking for innovative solutions which enable the emergency control valve in a domestic building to be remotely isolated to make the building safe in an emergency such as a fire. The solution should automatically turn off the gas valve and confirm that the gas flow into the building has stopped within minutes of the command being sent from Cadent’s offices. The solution should not replace the ability for the emergency control valve to be manually switched off if required and should meet all relevant aspects of the Gas Safety (Management) Regulation 1996. Lead contact:


Challenge opens


Challenge closes



Cadent Gas is looking for innovative solutions which enable the emergency control valve in a domestic building to be remotely isolated to make the building safe in an emergency such as a fire. Successful applicants will be given the opportunity to pitch their innovation to Cadent Gas who is leading the work on behalf of all UK network operators. Selected solution(s) will be trialled by Cadent in 10-30 homes, with the possibility of further adoption upon successful trials.


Cadent Gas is the UK’s largest Gas Distribution Network Operator (GDNO), bringing gas to 11 million homes and businesses. They manage a network of more than 82,000 miles of pipes, most of them underground, which transport gas throughout the North West, West Midlands, East Midlands, South Yorkshire, East of England and North London.

Cadent Gas is responsible for the safety of the gas network in their regions. The approach to managing an issue on the gas network such as gas escape, pressure problems, fire, explosion etc is quite reactive but Cadent Gas is moving towards a more proactive approach with leak detection and remote monitoring of the system. 

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